Dear Husband: Part 3

Dear Husband,

It's been a few days
But I have not forgotten about you needless to say
I'm at peace now knowing that you're in a preparatory stage
Getting prepared for what is to come
Getting ready for us to become one
Knowing and understanding that your old life will never be the same
Once we join hand in hand, surrender all, and I receive your surname
I pray that you will be strengthened in every part of the journey
I pray that you will continue to educate yourself and never stop learning
I hope that you'll love me as Christ loved the Church
That you'll forgive me quickly when I wrong you or piss you off
That you'll be patient with me, forever loving, and comforting
That we'll make love as if it was the end of time
New strategies and role play as I know you'll be mine
Husband, I'll wait for you, your love, your heart, your start
The beginning of us, our friendship, our journey, our neverending love
The merging of our lives, passions, hopes, and dreams
The uniting flame that burns bright eliminating the need to fight each other yet not for one another
As the glue runs heavy, and the distance clears
Your love... your touch, I long to feel
Your voice... I long to hear
Until we meet...

Yours truly,
Queen V

Love Letter Series


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