Dear Younger Self

Dear Younger Self,

Keep going. Keep growing in knowledge, wisdom, and skill. Don't settle. Don't give up nor give in. Refuse to be mediocre. Be the best version of you!. Refuse to accept any and everything; if it isn't up to par, let it go.

Pray often. God will never leave nor forsake you. He hears and sees all things. He will provide insight. If you pay attention and heed warnings, you will save yourself years of heartache and disappointment. He will provide direction, but your free will will always override. Choose wisely ;) . 

Walk by faith, and God will be with you rooting for you. He loves faith. He loves to see His people take a leap with all hope in Him and His will. Even if you stumble, he typically won't allow you to fall face forward and stay there if it's in good faith. Disobedience is a different story though, so don't confuse the two. Understand the consequences, and be aware that obedience is better than sacrifice. If Holy Spirit specifically told you to move to New York and you decide to move to Cali, understand that it's not faith at this point; it's disobedience. Know His voice for yourself, because people are deceiving, prideful, and imperfect.

Trust your instincts!. They are more powerful and foretelling than you realize. 

Live for you, but remember that the choices you make not only affect you but also those around you and those coming after and/or from you.

Cry, release the pain and anger, forgive quickly, and let it go. Life goes on, so love all (with the love of Jesus) and be your authentic self.

Live on Royalties!! 😘


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