She Walks

She walks with her head held high
Exuding confidence and poise
She speaks and chooses not to utter lies
The truth she's vowed to proclaim as she's wise
So that in the end, she would be considered pure and blameless but never nameless though she never quite made it to being famous
Her identity was obtained through the Word, in Christ, the God she served and made sure that her voice was heard
Loud, bold, proud, fearless, assured in prayer
Knowing and understanding that every word from the Word that proceeded from her mouth would eventually manifest in the earth realm
As the Word of God cannot return void
So if the Alpha & Omega spoke it, breathed it, wrote it 
Then it was signed, sealed, stamped, and delivered
King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Hope to the Hopeless, Friend to the Friendless, Creator 

She walks with a long stride 
Fully aware that she's on a mission
So she's always prepared and stays in position
To give, to receive, to hear, to speak, to learn, to teach, to sow, to reap
Doors open as she walks; favor finds her and overtakes her
Blessings on blessings on blessings
Along with lessons on lessons on lessons 

She walks with a believable smile on her face
To exemplify God's love and grace 
Though she may not be feeling it day after day 
Sometimes even wondering if she really has a place in Heaven, on Earth
Broken, yet she walks by faith and declares she's whole
Heart shattered and face submerged in tears
Walking through life single-handedly facing her fears
Counting the costs of distractions and sin before choosing or refusing to partake in
Because beside her, within her, with her, a trace of the bloodline strengthens her
To continue moving forward and to allow healing to take its course in the process
Continuously, purposely, she continues, on purpose, in purpose
To fulfill the purpose in which she's called

She walks, she breathes, she sees, she's free, she's me...


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