Dear Beautiful 1:5
Dear Beautiful,
Let's talk about repentance. What does it really mean? Repentance refers to rethinking and acknowledging your wrongs then turning away from those wrongs and/or changing for the better. It is definitely a conscious decision. Some people may debate that repentance is only between you and God. On a personal note, it can be between you, God, and the one you've wronged.
God sees all. You can lie to people, to yourselves but not God. You may have offended or sinned against someone on a greater level than what you intended. This could cause damage on a spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional level. You can wreck someone's faith if it isn't strong enough because of your actions. You must be mindful.
Repentance should not simply consist of emotions and regret. It should cause change, deliberate change in how you operate, treat others, and handle matters. If you wronged someone who is still alive, make things right if the door is open. Apologize, forgive, and heal. If the person has passed on or simply nowhere to be found, take it as a lesson and learn from it, repent, heal, and help others avoid the same mistake if possible. You cannot always change the consequences; those you have to deal with.
Personal testimony: I was in a "situationship" for nearly a year and internally blamed the guy for what occurred behind closed doors that caused me to continually let go of my morals until they were nearly extinct when it came to him. I would always voice that I was responsible for my own choices and meant it, but internally I did blame him. It wasn't until 7 months after we ended it all that I actually took time to reflect on my own actions and how I was to blame for what occurred. Being a little too flirty and open, sitting on his lap during our first outings, and initiating certain conversations that were inappropriate were my fault. I wanted companionship, love, and affection and thought I had enough time to bring up my moral standards later. I brought them up, but it was too late. Though I continued to say it wouldn't continue, my flesh was stronger and won every time. Lust had taken root.
It is by the grace of God that he did not rape me, pass along an STD, nor impregnate me. I was able to keep my greatest promise by God's grace 😉. After reflecting and acknowledging that I was out of line and order, I apologized and repented unto God as well as him. Shortly after, God gave me vision - that I've been seeking for the last decade. You never know what unforgiveness and a failure to repent could be withholding. If I could advise you of anything, check your heart to ensure it's pure. Acknowledge your mistakes, forgive quickly, and repent when necessary to both God and anyone you've offended without cause. Life is short; 2020 has proven to be an unprecedented time.
Let us use wisdom as much as possible. Be mindful of being too flirty and touchy; know that you will have to deal with any consequences should you choose to place yourself in certain positions that you know are not suitable nor appropriate for you. If you play with fire long enough, you will get burned. If an individual isn't willing to commit, then the person isn't worth your time. You deserve better. You deserve to love and be loved unconditionally. Don't settle for less than God's best for you. Be respectful of others' time, beliefs, bodies, choices, etc. We are each here on different levels on purpose for a purpose.
Repentance --> Rethink. Acknowledge. Turn.
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