Life Test, Love Test - A+
The news took me by surprise and shattered my small world
As I could not visualize you departing the earth so soon.
I cried out to God for a miracle, to release His angels and to awaken you from your sleep
To open your eyes and breathe life into your lungs
To restore your voice so that you can speak, a miracle
But apparently it wasn't His will as He has called you to rest.
Congratulations, as you have passed your "life test"
To love without limits, unconditional love - like Christ.
To endure when life became hard, complicated, and unfair through the uncertainties, losses, surgeries, pandemic, etc.
To freely give of yourself and resources, open your home to both family and strangers.
To feed and provide for those in need.
To do good and behave honorably both publicly and privately.
To be patient, kind yet direct, and not self-seeking.
To rejoice with the truth.
To work, provide, and protect self as well as others.
To forgive those who may have wronged or mistreated you.
To see beauty and purpose in and through EVERYTHING - literally EVERY THING you've collected through the years.
To encourage and uplift always - "I'm proud of you," you'd always say then write - you were indeed one of my greatest supporters, and I thank you.
Thank you for being an example of a man who truly loves his family and his friends.
Thank you for spending time with me when I returned for semiannual visits.
Thank you for the advice that you've shared through the years.
Thank you for the memories that you've held onto inside of your house.
Thank you for opening the doors for my family when needed especially when my dad passed away.
Thank you for the life and love that you've shared with me and others.
I put aside a special gift for you to deliver on my next visit, but time has revealed that tomorrow wasn't/ isn't promised.
In comparison, your rest is probably more splendid and sought after than an earthly gift any day.
No more worries, struggles, illness, drama, lack, nor worldly problems.
Enjoy Paradise Uncle Ron, and if you have access, send new blessings and wisdom each year our way :)
You will forever be remembered in a positive light.
Until next time & Love always,
Your niece -
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