Broken In Spite...

Broken… when the decision was made to let go for good
Broken… with all of the love I had, I shared what I could
Broken… in spite of the promises and vows that were made to keep me safe, to protect me in every way
Broken… though I cried out, sung, danced, fasted, sought His face, and prayed day after day
Broken… even in the moments when I questioned God, His will, His Word, His very existence
Broken… left broken, wondering aimlessly, yet holding on to the little faith that I had
Trusting… that there was purpose in my pain
Trusting… that I could rise up, walk in truth, and love again
Trusting… that Elohim (Creator God), El Shaddai (God Almighty), Abba (Father), Jesus (Savior) exists as one and would strengthen, fight, correct me, speak that I may hear, and open doors for me that no man could shut
Trusting… that I would eventually see victory as the battle had already been won for me, though at the moment it seemed impossible to me
Trusting… that one day I would be healed as the Word proclaims and able to feel it and live it
Trusting… trusting… trusting
Broken… and trusting… but truth stands strong… it remains
And the truth is… maybe I don’t have enough love in my heart
Yet, I have always tried…surrendered my part
So, do not tell me that I don’t have it all together nor that I’m not good enough
A representation of my past… that is you, my end… not my beginning, my new start
My new life, my modern walk, new beginnings and hopes, fresh feelings and thoughts
Love lasts, true love anyways not the phony lust and/or infatuation that lasts a few months or even worse, days
Please… I see through it… discernment from the heavens
Discerning with His Spirit, speaking and revealing truth so that I may hear it
Loving me in spite of my flaws just because…
So I stand…patiently waiting…broken, yet trusting
That one day, someday, or better yet… Today as we speak, “call those things which be not as though they were” (-Romans 4:17)
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen…” (-Hebrews 11:1)
Though things are not necessarily crystal clear for me, I can trust that life goes on and seasons change
In due season, I will reap the good of the land considering that I faithfully continue to sow profitable seeds into good ground…
Broken… yet not destroyed… instead awoken…
Trusting… in the promises of the Lord
And I stand…patiently waiting…


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