Chosen for greatness
Chosen to shine
Chosen to walk in light, leaving darkness behind
Chosen to build, to love, encourage, and live
Chosen... you were chosen out of the crowd
Quiet you were when all others were loud
Humility you exhibited when others were proud
Peace you possessed when chaos abounded
Intercession was where hope lied for you when the world sought to confuse, abuse, hurt, and misuse you
You held on in faith and sought out the truth
Because of your loyalty, I will open up the heavens and pour out an abundance of blessings for you
Do not become weary in well-doing, but remain faithful
All that you plant, you shall reap in harvest
I shall pour out blessings for your mother and father
You prayed through your tears
You obeyed me through your fears
And I will bless you and protect you
You have found favor with the King...

-Inspired by The Word of God


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