William: To My Daddy

Tough on the surface
Gentle at the heart
You took us through hell
From the very start
Yet helped build us, strengthen us
For the journey ahead
I appreciate you for all that you did and said
For the love that you gave us as well as the love that you did not share
Thank you for making us fighters
Who could attest to the end of times
Truth Seekers leaving every lie behind
God-fearers knowing that life isn’t yours nor mine
Actual doers understanding that we’ll get nowhere if we’re out of line
Love givers and receivers as we can relate to loneliness and absence of love
Healers who spread the Word that “We are healed by His Stripes”
Regardless of whose standing in the dark or the light
Not in our surroundings, present circumstances, or previous “rights”
We all serve a purpose
Both you and I
Thank you for taking on your role as daddy in my life
For being the “William” in who I knew
Through your eyes and actions, I saw your soul
Hard yet gentle, hurt but loving, found yet lost
Rich yet poor, constantly seeking and asking for more
As you ran from your purpose, you remained in our lives
It takes a lot for a man to stand with countless alibies
I remember interceding for you
Asking God to heal and deliver you at all costs
Hoping and praying that one day you’d be free
From the lies that people told, the abuse you endured,
The heartache you experienced, the rejection you faced,
The pain you embraced, and the evil within
That you’d feel the presence of God
Experience His very being, His love, His Spirit
I know that my very trials, tests, and outbursts helped propel you to the altar for salvation as you feared death and hell
As I battled my own thoughts contemplating suicide
How God uses each of us, His strategies are priceless
I’m at peace knowing that you experienced His love, His presence, His grace, His forgiveness
I will forever laugh at our very last conversation
In which you asked and/or commanded me to download “Sky-pee” so that we could see each other
How I laughed and you asked if I was drunk or high
Though I was neither, your persistence entertained me
As I walked through the park engaging the waterfall with a dear friend
I told you I’d download it later as I did
But I was not able to reach you as you hid
Probably in your feelings or simply too late
I’m proud that our lives nor love ended in hate
Very last breaths, “I love you Victoria;” “Love you too ole man”
Rest in peace William
I’ll believe that you made it in
As I witnessed you depart in peace
Your final movements and small tears
Are enough to remember for the next years
Though you won’t see me wed
I’ll place your picture nearby so you’ll have a glimpse
Farewell ole man
You played your role and hand with the cards that were dealt
I’m proud of you,
Thank you William
For giving us time to reflect
As we’ve paid our respects
Rest in Peace


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