Bon Appétit

Bon Appétit
Enjoy your meal as I refuse to eat
Of the lies you serve
The envy you exhibit and teach
The flawed beliefs that you attempt to preach
Unto me as though I am one of the sinners in your choir
For you I never had a desire to be your "one"
But to simply help you as I witnessed a prideful heart
Strutting around as though you're perfect 
Claiming perfection and walking in deception
Unable to admit that we all fall short
That we all have flaws 
And that God forgives all

Bon Appétit
Enjoy your meal as I refuse to eat
From a table that refuses to forgive
As if you never lived and made a mistake
In your actions, words, and overloaded plate 
With false accusations of judgmental, rude, and prideful inclinations 
Because you don't agree and refuse to acknowledge your shortcomings
Your flaws; we all have them, you're no better than I
Yet I confess them and bless them
As they make me who I am
Look up to you now; I'd be damned
Your very words revealed your heart, your character, your pride 
No longer can you lie; the truth has surfaced, and there's nothing left to hide

Bon Appétit
Enjoy your meal as I refuse to eat
From a hand that sheds innocent blood
Who doesn't forgive and refuses to love
Who withholds good from those who need it the most
And are unaware of how to get up
Of how to stand strong, proceed, and hold on

Bon Appétit
Enjoy your meal as I refuse to eat
Once a friend but now a foe 
Simply because you refused to forgive and let go
Of the hurt that others caused you
So when I was a little too blunt and honest with you
You took it to heart; because your emotions and sensitivity overtook you
In the effort to protect you
Yet I apologized and asked of forgiveness from you
Did I receive the "I forgive you."
No; simply sarcasm, excuses, and offense 

Bon Appétit
Enjoy your meal as I refuse to eat
I've put up with your countless questions and strange behavior long enough
To the very point that I've simply had enough
You're not worthy of my time, energy, nor words
Inconsistent, arrogant, secretive, and overly sensitive are the traits that you've exemplified
Yet I forgive you once again
No longer a friend; access denied, but now a foe

Bon Appétit
Enjoy your meal as I refuse to eat


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