Happy New Year!! :)

2019 has arrived Royalties!! Happy New Year!! May this year bring forth divine opportunities, favor, open doors, and abundance for you and your loved ones. I am definitely grateful to witness another year as should you since there’s greater ahead for each of us. Believe it and receive it!

As I reflect over 2018, I’m overjoyed at all that God has done for me; and I simply have to give Him the utmost praise by showing my gratitude. From the toxic roommate situation, to my dad passing away, to meeting “crazies,” to living in a hotel for nearly two months, to moving from Atlanta to Dallas, TX on a single word from God through faith, to doors opening for a new home and eventually a job, to meeting amazingly helpful, intuitive, and loving people in Dallas. God has definitely smiled on me; and I’m beyond grateful.

It wasn’t an easy road. Living by faith is extremely challenging; because it’s simply that… faith, trusting in the unknown and the unseen. It can be rather scary. How do you know that you won’t fall? You don’t… but, you can be assured that God will catch you if you do. How do you know that you won’t become homeless or indebted? You don’t. I’ve previously been homeless; yet God provided in amazing ways causing others to bless me and sometimes allowing me to exceed goals and expectations by selling more packages and/or products. I’ve fallen into debt walking by faith and realized that certain purchases were unnecessary. I could have humbled myself, been more profitable, and took on something that I considered “beneath me” for a season to generate feasible income. As a side note: according to the law of attraction and scripture itself, your thoughts will manifest; so it’s highly advised to focus on the positive possibilities instead of the negative.

I thank El Roi, the God who sees, for unceasingly loving on me through those that I encounter when I need love and affection. It blesses me beyond measure in my singleness.

I magnify El Shaddai, God Almighty, for being patient with me and continually accepting me for me, seeing through my persona, meeting me where I am, and chastising me when I need it. He has been a faithful and great Abba to me.

I applaud Yahweh for being who He is, the Self-Existent One, to whom I can speak to and of. Though I decided to depart “the church” if only for a few months, He has still been able and available to lead and guide me in my endeavors to be all that He has created me to be. He has not once turned a deaf ear to me; He hears my prayers and petitions and continues to answer by fire as He is a consuming fire. Faithful… Loving… Powerful… He is…

My Saviour… My Strength… My Redeemer… When I wander off; like a good shepherd He seeks me out and brings me where I should be even if I sincerely don’t want to be. In spite of that, He knows best.

Spirit, unseen by the natural eye…

Mighty in battle…

Powerful, as every knee shall bow before thee…

Loving, for He is love…

Creator, who created the heavens, the earth, and all within…

Comforter, who consoles us in our midnight hours…

My God, to whom I’m appreciative and blessed to know and experience through faith. My philosophy is that we move from faith to faith; and each of us are on different levels of faith. There is nothing wrong with that; however, if you are a seasoned believer, there is an expectation that your faith be on a higher level. If there isn’t faith, can you authentically consider yourself a believer or even a Christian? I think not; as your entire belief system is based upon faith.

In order for you to grow, you must stretch your faith. I’ve lived in 4 different states and 6 different cities in the last 3 years. Do you honestly think I’d do that to myself? Absolutely not! Each move was a leap of faith; and I encountered the miraculous. God is…

I’ll leave you with that Royalties. You can finish the sentence with whatever He is to you.

Please be advised that the 2019 posts will be a bit more raw and transparent to where I currently stand in this journey called life. Enjoy and know that you, yes You Are Loved Beyond Measure!!

-- Royale Bloom


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