

We choose

We choose to love
We choose to hate
We choose who we ignore
We choose who we date
Hearts left unguarded, unprotected, vulnerable, and open 
After captivating actions and the words, "I love you" soon spoken
We choose what lies to partake in, what lies to believe
Because our intuition provides insight though many times we choose not to listen
Deep within the truth we fight
Because we desire to love and be loved 
To freely express and receive affection
Ignore the flaws, shortcomings, and faults for our protection
We choose to love
As love covers a multitude of wrongs, a legion of sins
Until we grow tired of the fantasies and constant pretending
Just as quick as there was a beginning soon comes an ending


We choose

We choose to love
We choose to hate
We choose who we ignore
We choose who we date


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