Spread Your Wings and Fly...

Spread your wings and fly...

"I love you," Jason vocalized.
"I love you more!!" I squealed as I grabbed his face, kissed his succulent lips, and recalled the taste that I had forfeited for months.
At the river, we held each other and enjoyed the cool breeze of the late afternoon awaiting the beautiful sunset.
Watermelon, strawberries, turkey finger sandwiches, and tiny water bottles marked our picnic menu.
It's been stated throughout the years that "If you love someone to let them go, if they return, they were always yours, and if they don't they never were." Maybe Kahlil Gibran was correct; but I'll never know to that effect.

Spread your wings and fly...

As the sun set in the west, the waves began to rise and crash against the bank. 
The sky grew darker yet not much differently than that of a typical night. 
We stayed awhile longer to fulfill our hunger and enjoy the moonlit night sky.
According to the forecast, clear skies marked the night; however, it wasn't the case in our sight. 
It started to sprinkle but soon turned into large rain drops.
We ran for the truck yet somewhere along the way lost the keys.
The rain began to pour; lightning filled the skies, and thunder roared for miles. 

Spread your wings and fly...

I couldn't see nor breathe as the water from the sky covered my face and tears released heavily from my eyes.
Jason took my body and covered it with his as we got into the bed of his truck. 
The soaked picnic blanket was his only covering. 
"Everything will be fine. I love you," he whispered in my ear. 
"I love you more," I cried.

The rain grew harder piercing our skin and nearly filling the bed. 
My heart grew faint as the rain continued, then Jason began to speak.
"I came back to you... for you... because I love you. Regardless of what happens to me, understand that everyday is a gift. Use what you've been given. Walk in your purpose. Don't allow fear to hold you back. Spread your wings and fly..."

At that moment, the rain stopped. 
After a 7 minute search, the keys were found near the bank; and we quickly headed to his house.
After cleaning up, we made love for the last time. 
The very next morning, he did not awake. 
According to the autopsy, delayed drowning was the cause of death.

Spread your wings and fly...

My angel that continues to watch over and guide me
If it had not been for you; I would not have made it out
Because of you; I'm able to walk in freedom and utilize what I've been gifted with...
Because of you, I love...
Because of you, I trust...
Because of you, I care...
Because of you, I understand and walk in my purpose...
Because of you, I spread my wings and fly...

Gone too soon but never forgotten, I love you Jason

Spread your angel wings and fly...


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