Change your Perspective; Change your Life: Right to Choose
Your attitude in the face of adversity means everything. How you respond to the worst and most confusing and/or trying times will determine whether you rise to the next level, remain stagnant at the same level, or be demoted to a lower level. I prefer to view life similar to the way I view school courses. Once you've been taught or exposed to new lessons, knowledge, opportunities, and/or a way of doing things, you are soon presented with a test. You either pass or fail.
Some individuals advance to the next level and continue to transition to new stages and levels of life. Others tend to ignore what's occurring around them; because they've become so comfortable where they currently stand and remain at the same level until the very present somehow leaves them behind and forces them to lose by default. Then there are those who know better yet refuse to do better. These individuals cheat and ultimately fail themselves out of a better life.
One of the greatest gifts that God has granted us is free will and the right to choose. As a child, our choices are indeed limited, but once we're considered adults 18+ ,we choose which paths we will take as options open unto us. We choose what food we will devour. We choose what words we will speak, thoughts we will think, images we will view, and music we will listen to. We choose who we will and will not date. We choose who we will love. We choose who we will allow to be a part of our lives. We choose what car we will purchase or house we will invest in. We choose what job we will settle for or career we will pursue. In most cases, we choose who we will be intimate with and whether or not we will marry.
Will everyone have the same options available? Absolutely not!. Demographics, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic status play a huge role; however, it shouldn't stop anyone from choosing to pursue and accept the best.
What you sow in words, thoughts, and deeds; you will surely reap so be wise in your dealings. When times are difficult, pray, cry, and/or ask for assistance but keep going. Refrain from complaining often, cursing, and blaming others. Understand that we ALL go through hard times. Sow with positivity; so that you may reap a bountiful harvest. Examples could include: feed the homeless, read to kids, mow someone's grass, visit the elderly, clean up the church, pass out cards, share your skills with a startup company, etc. Modify your perspective. Use what you've been freely given. Choose to be positive. Get past the bs. Remain faithful. Keep going. Rise for the occasion. Elevate to the next level.
I'll leave you with a few quotes:
"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." - Proverbs 4:7 KJV
"One of the greatest gifts God gave us is the authority to exercise free will, which allows us to make our own choices. If you don't make your own decisions; you're in default and someone or something will. Choose wisely that you may live." - Victoria Briars
"Get past the bullshit, do your best, and rise for the occasion." - Victoria Briars
"Be your own biggest critic and understand that you're full of shit if excuses are your go-to defense. Own it then change it!." - Victoria Briars
"Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do." - Oprah Winfrey
"Change your perspective; change your life." - Anonymous
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