Love Is a Choice...

Love Is a Choice...


  • Is Patient
  • Is Kind
  • Is Compassionate
  • Is Giving
  • Is Forgiving
  • Is Supportive
  • Is Profitable
  • Perseveres 
  • Is Honest
  • Hopes
  • Is Not Self-seeking
  • Serves
  • Never Fails
  • Allows Room for Growth and Error
  • Increases
  • Protects
  • Communicates
  • Listens
  • Doesn't Accuse nor Blame
  • Sacrifices
  • Covers a Multitude of Sins and Wrongdoings
  • Is a Decision
  • Frees Us

We can either choose to love or create a bunch of excuses why we cannot and/or why it is impossible to love certain individuals. Love is not just a feeling. It is a direct action made from a choice. If you "fall in love" then you can "fall out of love." I prefer the term "la-la land" aka(s) fantasy world, out of touch with reality and incapable of thinking rationally, and/or struck by cupid.  In essence, WE CHOOSE to LOVE conditionally and unconditionally.


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