
Drowning in waters so deep
Flooding my lungs, I can no longer speak
Tears invisible, married to the ocean
Hearing overtaken by the roaring of the waves and screams of the people

Pride comes before the fall

Open your heart and love
Pastor preached
Love thy neighbor as thyself
Jesus taught
Follow your heart
Mama said
Guard your heart
I thought

Never fell but soon fell hard

I chose to love unconditionally with pure intention
Uncertain yet faith held me down, faithful
Hopeful and trusting
Signs, warnings, red flags ignored

Pride comes before the fall

Regrets, none
The choice to love unconditionally with pure intention was my choice alone
The choice to believe in a fairy tale and ignore the definite warnings was mine alone
The choice to baptize myself in the furious blue ocean was an honor
As I stepped into deeper waters by faith yet uncertain if this would be my end
Partially hoping that life would cease and that I would no longer have to pretend
As I no longer desired to start over nor love at such capacity again

Drowning in waters so deep
Flooding my lungs, I can no longer speak
Tears invisible, married to the ocean
Hearing overtaken by the roaring of the waves and screams of the people


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