
I'm guilty of holding onto a faith that has brought me to where I am today
I'm guilty of trusting a God who protects me, keeps me, and pours into me
It amazes me how gullible and passive we are as people 
How we ignore the signs of the times and trust man to act in our best interests
For many, your well being means nothing
Power and control have been the leading forces for centuries if you care to study your history
From the beginning of time with Eve and Adam taking part of the fruit for knowledge
Knowledge is Power
To inhabiting land and resources, reproducing, kings and queens taking the thrones, and wars of conquest
To deaths of innocent babies, blood sacrifices, rape, slavery, genocides, and deadly diseases killing the nations
Man-made or plagues?
To reproduce and multiply was and is godly
Who granted anyone power to depopulate the earth?
For the innocent lives and blinded eyes, my heart aches 
As the book of Revelation and majority of the prophetic books of The Bible unfold
I count every day as a gift, some even that I want to return and disappear from this earth in my sleep
But who am I to so quickly depart when others have spent decades going hard for God?
If only it was that simple, if only suicide wouldn't grant me eternal life in hell...
Endure to the end... I think I can... I think I will...
Even in the midst of this chaos, it comes as no surprise when you take heed to warnings and signs
One thing is certain, I will die for my faith and free will 
I'm guilty of holding onto a faith that has brought me to where I am today
I'm guilty of trusting the power of the God of the Old Testament and the promises of the New Testament a little more than most
Guilty as Charged

Note: The word "guilty" in this context can be defined as answerable, accountable, and/or responsible. I am a woman of faith and not at all ashamed of it. The term is used in the wake of those against the faith and those who are facing deadly persecution because of their faith. Prayers are lifted for you.


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