Cover Girl - We Create

I thought that I was going to be a cover girl 
You know, travel the world, taking pictures striking poses 
Walking runways with my dressing rooms covered in roses
Creating from inspiration and shedding light with my smile
Acting and making millions without a care for awhile
Taking care of my family as well as the fans
It appears that God had other plans

Professional actress, I reflect on those words
Professional I am and many roles I've taken on to deliver quite well
However, it does not supersede the initial perception
Sometimes it feels like great deception
Yet in reality, it has proven to be a blessing
As I take time for reflection 
Grasping that my passion has minimized for acting
Yet increased for writing as my outlet
Understanding that doors did not have to open for me
Thankful for the ones that did for financial gain and experience 
Yet my greatest work has been in discovery, constant practice, and leisure activities

The power to create lies within
Instead of waiting for someone else to open the door, be the door that opens for self and others
Create your own opportunity 
If you believe that you were created in the image and likeness of God 
You would certainly take on at least a few attributes 

Let's do ourselves a favor, expand our minds, listen to our intuition, and be all that we were created to be 
Without fear of judgement or failure
It is possible that everything we need is already within us
We're one thought away...
Let's create



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