To the Woman - Happy Mother's Day


To the woman who birthed me
And expected a boy on the first round
Yet loved me in spite and didn't abort nor give me up 
Though you suffered from toxemia of pregnancy and I was born premature
With a daddy who was forced to choose which life to save by doctor's orders
We survived... together
Thank you

To the woman who raised Bert and I
Thank you for the unconditional love that you continue to share
Thank you for always lending a listening ear and/or simply being there to care
Thank you for covering us in prayer
Thank you for all the sacrifices you've made through the years to ensure we had food to eat, clothes to wear, a home to live, necessities, and safety
Thank you for making sure our notes were paid when we made dumb decisions
Thank you for being overprotective of us, checking in often, and even pulling up

To the woman who continues to believe in the power of a God that she cannot see
Thank you for the bedtime bible stories when we were children
Though we could not comprehend the importance at the time, we remembered
We learned how to read and spell, how the heroes of the bible dwelled 
And the significance of love, obedience, forgiveness, faithfulness, and trust in Jesus

To the woman who thinks so little of herself yet continues to encourage everyone else
Thank you for your servant's heart; you play a vital part
I simply want to take this time to say that I appreciate you in every way
I love you & Happy Mother's Day everyday!! 


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