Can You Comprehend?

Can you comprehend the time that we're in?

Can you see the diabolical agendas that have been laid before you disguised as legitimacy?

Can you understand that judgement is coming to the nation?

Some people are seeking a savior

While others are turning back, because they were never fit nor convinced of the kingdom 

Still there are some that are completely oblivious of anything 

You see the division in the streets amongst the people

You see the parties clashing with personal motives and agendas

A house divided against itself cannot stand; a nation divided against itself cannot stand

The snake, the tempter has reared its' head again

Without repentance, we fall as one nation

"One nation under God" we once pledged yet allowed certain influences to silence us and make it of no effect

My question remains, can you comprehend the time that we're in?

Are you prepared for what is to come?

If you have to go without food and water for days or even weeks at a time due to shortages, will you be prepared?

If the US dollar collapses, how will you survive?

If you're persecuted and harassed because of your beliefs, will you stand?

If someone attempts to strip you of your land because you fail to comply, will you fight or let it go?

When wars break out, how will you react?

If the water is poisoned, how will you purify it to ensure it's safety for yourself and family?

If you wake up and people have vanished, what will you believe and how will you respond?

If the sun turns black, will you be overtaken with fear?

If biblical prophecy is true, then prepare yourself for what is to come. 

Think and consider your options. If these things occur, what will be your response and will it be a timely response or simply too late?


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