Knock, Knock


Knock, knock 

Who's there?


I'm what you could be, yet haven't fully embraced. I represent the ideology of possibilities and chance. I'm not guaranteed, but you believe me right?

Knock, knock

Who's there?


I conceal matters and give you misrepresented truths. You know, like cheating on your spouse or that last test? Don't forget the time you told the guy you loved him yet never revealed who you really were, your affiliations, nor motives. You played your role very well as did he. What's done in the dark will never come to the light. Trust me, we have our whole lives ahead of us to get this done and make things right.  

Knock, knock

Who's there?


You see, I brighten every room that I visit to make all things visible and provide clarity, yet you continue to cut me off, leaving nothing but darkness. You ask for blessings, opportunities, and open doors yet neglect me and what I have to offer. My luminescence cannot be compared. I am a gift, yet you choose to hide me as if I don't matter. It's almost as though you're afraid of me, the light that exposes what was once hidden in the dark. I am your gift given by choice.

Knock, knock

Who's there?


I am that I am. Disclosure. I reveal secrets and private information to provide truth and understanding. I make life a little easier, a little sweeter if you heed what I reveal. Deception no longer hides as light is shed on the truth. Potential isn't good enough. Do. Become. Be. How bad do you want it?

Holy Spirit shed light on what I've been doing in the natural through a dream. Revelation: We each are gifted with talents for special purposes, but some of us, (I'm guilty too), have hid those talents for whatever reason to "fit". Truth be told, I am a misfit; I simply don't fit and I'm proud of it to some degree. There are soooo many things that I've asked for, yet could it be that the manifestation lies in my hands? If I choose to use and build with what God has blessed me with, could I possess all that I've prayed and asked for? I suppose there's only one way to find out.

Let us not be like the man who hid his one talent in the ground, because he was afraid in Matthew 25:14-30. Since he did not use nor invest what was given to him, it was taken away. How faithful are you? If you're not faithful over the little, how can you expect to be blessed with abundance? Examine yourself, think on these things, and be blessed beautiful. 🙏🏾


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