Dear Beautiful 1:7


Dear Beautiful,

God is faithful even when we are not. He is consistent even when we fall short or tired. He is omniscient and able to see any and everything even the things we think we're hiding. He is omnipotent and able to expose any and everything, especially if it interferes with His agenda. The question is, what is your agenda? Is it in line with His? Is it righteous or corrupt? Is it unlawful or lawful? Is it based on facts and truth or lies and deception? Simply stated, God sees and God knows. 

If God has spoken to you in your secret place and promised you something, yet you see opposing results in your current circumstances, stand on His Word and don't lose hope. If He said it, it will come to pass. It may take some time, but His Word shall not return unto Him void. It must accomplish what it was set out to do. If God has shown you visions of what will occur without a doubt, pray, and declare it back to Him. It could have been given to you to intercede either for or against. Once again, pray for understanding then declare accordingly. Depending on the situation, you may not be the only one that He has spoken or shown a dream or vision to. Regardless, do your part by praying, decreeing and declaring whatever He reveals. Your role is important, no matter how young nor old you are. 🤗

God is just and righteous. He will judge accordingly. Put not your hope nor faith in man. We are all flawed human beings. Pride comes before destruction. Some individuals may need to be shaken a bit as an example. God is still God; and He is still in control. As stated in Ecclesiastes 3:17, "God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work." It's time to expose...


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