Dear Beautiful 1:9


Dear Beautiful,

Every detail is significant. No matter how large nor small, the details matter. Never assume that one little mishap or oversight will not affect your end result. It may be good, but it could have been excellent if careful attention was paid. It sounds rather simple, but too often we overlook the details. 

Let's break the word details down a little bit more. Details can be referred to as features, characteristics, facts, and specifics. I personally looooooove details. Give me allllll the specifics before I make a decision. In most cases, paying close attention and being aware will save you time, money, and energy. It minimizes waste. More importantly, it will make you efficient, effective, highly sought after, and possibly wealthy. 

If I haven't convinced you yet, let's review the following scenarios:

1. You're sending money via Cash App to support your favorite podcast on YouTube. You move too quickly, because you're sooo excited, consuming the content and getting ready for a party at the same time. Instead of sending $100, you send $1000. Now, your rent money is gone. It was a simple mistake that could have been avoided if only you paid attention and double checked your zeros prior to sending. There is a 0.001% chance that you will ever see the money again from the source in which you supported. Be meticulous.

2. Your cousin is allergic to all forms of nuts. You knew this as a child but forgot in adulthood. She provides a list of preferred ingredients to bake cookies for her daughter's birthday party. She also notates, "ALLERGY WARNING: NO NUTS PLEASE." You're a baking pro, so you don't even bother looking at the list and toss it to the side. On the day of the party, your professional cookies send three children and one adult to the hospital. Thankfully everyone survives, but your services will no longer be used in the future, because you refused to pay attention to details - specifically capitalized bold black letters. Be aware and take caution.

3. You are a hair stylist. Your client decides that she wants honey blonde hair. The look will be gorgeous and accentuate her features. Since her hair is currently burgundy, you inform her of the bleaching process, what to expect, and how to properly care for her hair once colored to prevent damage. You take your time, color it exactly how she wants it, and style it to perfection. She receives soooo many compliments and likes on Instagram, becomes a celebrity - model/actress, and hires you as her personal hair stylist. You are now a celebrity hair stylist, because you cared enough about the details as well as cherished your clients and your work. 

4. You are a detective solving a homicide. The only evidence you found was an old loaded gun registered to the mother of the deceased. There were no witnesses to the crime and barely a print found on the gun. You interview the distressed mother who feels guilty for giving her son access to her gun. You fearlessly ask questions, and eventually the mother chokes and confesses. Her son was mentally unstable, too unstable to be granted access to any weapons. She knew this, yet handed it over anyways knowing that he could somehow cause his own demise, but he didn't. Someone else pulled the trigger then fled. His mother may not have murdered him, but she was an accomplice to the crime and recently purchased multiple life insurance policies. Busted!. Obtaining the facts and getting the details make a significant difference. 

5. You are newly dating someone and notice little bumps on or around the lips of the individual. What do you do? Be cautious. By all means, refrain from kissing as it could be cold sores caused by herpes simplex - contagious. If you're comfortable inquiring in a respectable manner, simply ask. Hopefully the person is honest; however, it will not always be the case. By paying attention and making a decision to ask and/or hold out on becoming intimate too soon, you could be stopping the spread as well as saving yourself a lifetime of uncomfortable conversations with new partners. The same goes for sex. Be careful. Let it soak in and think about it. 

6. You decide to marry the love of your dreams. While dating, the individual was not very clean and had anger issues. You were convinced that you and your love could change all of that. Two years later, you're sitting at the police station for domestic violence. Though the signs of anger and rage were visible in the dating period, help was never sought. It eventually got worse and now you're suffering with a broken arm and police report. You're constantly entertaining the idea of divorce, because you don't know how much more you can take. Be mindful and take heed.

7. You decide to marry the love of your dreams. She was beautiful, fit, funny, kind, and witty. The only issue is that she could not cook, not even eggs. Her sandwiches were soggy and disgusting. You decided you loved her more than anything and overlooked the fact that she had no skills in the kitchen. Within 6 months, you grew tired of not having hot meals when you came home from a long day at work. Seeing her laid up on the sofa watching television and having to prepare your own meals or pick up dinner eventually made you consider a mistress. Your vows "to death do us part" begin to fade. Details matter. Two years later at the hospital, you're by her side, because you love her as your wife and mother of your firstborn son. Beautiful, smart, fit, loving, kind, strong, whole, faithful, patient, and submissive. Characteristics matter. 

Pay attention beautiful 😉

Think About It:

Question: Until you are faithful over a few things, how can you expect to be a ruler over many things? 

"...Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things..." - Matt. 25:21 - KJV

"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen." - John Wooden


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