I'm Human

I'm human

Don't expect perfection from me 

Sinlessness, hopefulness, and constant joy from me

Some days I awake not wanting to exist, not wanting to breathe 

So keep your ideologies and hypocrisies off of me 

What you assume and how you view me is your perception of me

Is it accurate and can it be proven 

Or is it simply just a part of me, or who I am on a particular day

As I change like the wind, highs then lows and up again

I'm human

Don't make me your example of righteousness and holiness

As we all fall short and need to ask for forgiveness

Sometimes we hear yet fail to listen

To comprehend what God is really doing in a season

To understand the complexities and reasons

We can think and believe one way, yet be completely erroneous

New seasons, new concepts, new sides of God, of man, of life revealed

I'm human

Don’t judge my current situation as if you've witnessed my entire life

As you are unaware of the many battles I've fought and won

Yet I'm in a struggle, fighting through this current one 

With a heavy burden on my shoulder advising me to give in on this one

You don't know how many decades I've been trusting God to act on my behalf for this

The Word reads that hope deferred makes the heart sick

Yet you want to label me as an inconsiderate, stuck up, ungrateful, complaining bitch 

Not knowing that I'm tired of trusting and just maybe I'm sick 

I'm human

I bleed red just like you

I love, I laugh, I speak, I dream, I do

I hurt, I get angry and upset, and I forgive probably even more than you do

Now that I examine what God has allowed me to go through

Knowing and understanding that the trying of my faith worketh patience 

Yet I'm not always trying nor wanting to endure 

Sometimes I give up in my mind and revert to the thoughts of suicide

And yes, I'm aware that it's not healthy nor pure

I'm human

I've walked from faith to faith and kept the faith

When many tried to convince me otherwise 

I've witnessed miracles, signs, and wonders

Along with deception, misconceptions, and illusions

So pardon my manners and don't confuse me 

You're not the creator, author nor finisher of me

I'm human

I accepted Christ as my Savior decades ago 

And the Holy Spirit has led me along or so 

Though I've made many choices of my own free will

One of the greatest gifts my Father did give

He's not controlling nor religious as many misconstrue

He simply desires relationship with me and you

There's a list of commandments found in the Word, but the greatest are to "love thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind as well as to love thy neighbor as thyself", according to Matthew 22:37&39

I'm human

Don't expect perfection from me 

Sinlessness, hopefulness, and constant joy from me

You will be disappointed as I never vowed to be your perfect example

I am who I am and I change with the seasons, but the transparency and bluntness will come without reason

Because what a man sows, he will reap in due season

Confusion is not welcome and will be punished like treason

Your example should be Jesus if you haven't figured it out, maybe you're wondering or entertaining doubt

Man is heavily flawed trying to figure life out, understand purpose, and walk it out

I'm human

You're human

We are all human

Give yourself grace and extend it to others

We are not all on the same wavelength, faith length, economical length, nor educational length

Regardless of where you are, raise your vibration and choose to love

Love is on the highest frequency; it is the highest vibration for humans

I'm human

Don't expect perfection from me 

Expect love and transparency


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