What If? Freedom Is Calling


What if everything you believed was a lie?

How would you cope and survive?

If the truth pierced your soul and robbed you of your faith and hope?

If it wrecked your world, annihilated your plans?

Caused you to forget why you're here on earth once again?

Leaving you perplexed, angry, and blind to your purpose.

What purpose? What purpose does life serve? What purpose does this earth possess?

Why are we here? Why do we exist?

The average Christian professes the Word - "to be fruitful and multiply, to replenish the earth and subdue it."

The average (hu) man proclaims to "find your passion and it will reveal your purpose."

What if neither of these fit your mentality due to your reality?

What if these don't soothe you nor calm you in your journey called life?

God forbid you get to the end of your life and are still confused about your specific purpose.

In pursuit of purpose, you may have found many or so you thought (for the season), but it doesn't answer the question you've asked within reason for the lifetime as the boredom sets in with repetition.

If you take a moment to assess, you may need new vision.

You need better clarity, better answers than simply, "He is risen."

It may have worked before when you needed to be forgiven or needed to/needed someone to listen.

You may have been led astray with little supervision.

Finding yourself seeking a savior once again, looking for answers through (hu) man or taking on the identity of a victim

Caught off guard, entangled in a web of deception, humiliation, frustration, abuse, and confusion

Until finally you've had enough of the misapprehensions.

(hu) Man is greatly flawed and simply human.

Perception is everything, but it may not always be factual.

Interpretations and revelations may not always be the same for everyone in every year, decade, century, or millennium.

Humanity evolves - technology changes - words, meanings and expressions are modified.

What is considered modest and okay today was not so 50 years ago nor 1000 years ago.

Traditions have passed from generation to generation as well as the stories with new story tellers.

Who is to say there wasn't something added or taken away?

What if everything you believed was a lie?

How would you cope and survive?

If the truth pierced your soul and robbed you of your faith and hope?

If it wrecked your world, annihilated your plans?

Caused you to forget why you're here on earth once again?

"Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all of your might…"

The highest vibration is love, God is love, so choose love and relinquish petty worthless fights.

 Whether you know your purpose or not, here's your freedom - it's your right. 

2021 was an extremely tough year for me - more-so traumatizing. In pursuit of purpose, I met frustration, humiliation, deception and confusion. I took on the mentality of a victim for a period of time, sought help but more like a savior. God eventually allowed me to hear myself in the midst of a group and I saw the picture of "a victim." I wasn't pleased with the outcome. The story made me sick as I revisited hurtful experiences I had left behind decades ago. I soon removed myself to assess, correct, and heal. Like I stated before, people cannot save you - most don't have the power to do so let alone the will. It is your responsibility to heal and be honest with yourself. 

People will laugh and smile in your face, thank you for this and that while you're self-destructing. They may have good intentions, but sometimes those intentions are not enough. Choose you and love you first. I believe in transparency 100%, but if you're not healed from something and are not comfortable speaking about it amongst others, don't. Don't allow someone to persuade you to do something you're uncomfortable with. Kindly decline. 

The year also opened the door to a conversation that was very well needed. I posed the question in this piece, "What if everything you believed was a lie?" simply because there were lies I believed to be true - relationally and biblically. Once exposed, the truth shook my world. When something is bothering you over and over again, pay attention. If something was spoken to or over you and you can't seem to grasp it nor fully accept it, but you're more-so trying to force it or fighting with it - pay attention. It may very well be a lie or even an illusion. Don't believe any and everything - do your own research, ask questions, and study for yourself. You may discover what someone else may have missed.

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." - Ecclesiastes 9:10

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." - Genesis 1:28

“Follow your passion. It will lead you to your purpose.” - Oprah Winfrey

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33


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