Dear Beautiful 3:2 - The Finale



Dear Beautiful,

I hope that you are well. If this is your first read, please review the previous works as this is the final blog post.

I started this blog in college as a continuation of to create, motivate, encourage, build, restore, and be put to use by Christ of course. As you may know, I value words. Poetry allows me to express self in more ways than my actions ever could. It was and is my outlet. Sharing was my way of giving something to the world with hopes of inspiring others in every generation.

I thought to myself, if I die today, what would I leave behind? How will people remember me? Written works and experiences were the answers. Poetry, images, blogs, and books. You're welcome lol. 🤗

Sooooo, why is this the final post? Simply stated, my heart posture as well as beliefs have changed and I no longer desire anything of nor in this world. I do not wish to lead anyone astray; however, I would advise any and everyone to know and experience God for themselves. Once you receive the Holy Spirit, it is He who dwells within you. Review Salvation - Repost for further guidance and understanding if needed.

Through all of my experiences, I can honestly say that God is forever faithful. Sometimes when you're in a dark place, it's hard to see the light even in past experiences, but if only you can look back, think back, and remember... It would be a disservice for me to not make mention of a few things God has seen me through...

Testimonies, Miracles & Confirmation that God (Jesus Christ) was/is with me:

- Nearly died at birth, born premature - mother was diagnosed with toxemia of pregnancy (pre-eclampsia) and dad had to make a choice of who would live should it have come to that point. We both survived.

- 5th grade Valedictorian and middle school honors student

- National Honor Society, Television and Radio Broadcasting Journalist, Drama, French, Spanish, Cross Country & Track in high school

- Released healing to a greatly injured and dying puppy in 2012. He survived, stood up, and walked within 7 days.

- Put a gun to my own head yet couldn't pull the trigger in 2012. I broke down crying and didn't tell a soul for years.

- Returned to my dorm quickly in an attempt to overdose after church in 2012. My roommate and her friends chased me down, stopped me, and prayed for me.

- Preached once and shared the gospel often in 2013

- Acted in skits, movies, commercials, and sold-out plays (2014 & 2015)

- Released healing in 2015 to a co-worker who had a broken arm. His cast was removed 2-3 days later.

- Seconds from a deadly car accident - someone ran the red light going at least 60 mpg heading directly towards the driver's side of my car - only a few feet away - yet subtly speaking the name, Jesus, released a miracle that saved my life and limbs

- Experienced homelessness for a short period of time, yet never had to live on the streets nor compromise my values to survive - humbling self, asking and seeking opened doors to favor and  miracles

- First Generation College Graduate (Graduated Cum Laude)

- Sexually assaulted thrice in my 20s by men I initially considered friends, yet I forgave them and continued moving forward with life

- Wrote, edited, and published 5 books - Royale Bloom Series

- Lived in 6 different cities and 4 different states in a period of 3 years, traveled often

- Debt-free at the age of 26

- Trained employees in every role that I've had the opportunity to fill

- 5 pay raises in 2.5 years and 3 positions in corporate (blessed yet I resigned and took a hiatus from the workforce for my own mental health)

- Loved and been loved unconditionally

- Forgave those who hurt me, used me, misled and abused me (still forgiving today, it's a process)

- Obtained a 60-day supply of antidepressants with the intent to overdose in 2021. Took a pill and head was in pain for about 8 days straight with eye twitches. I flushed and tossed the rest of the supply with fear of dying in pain and/or destroying my body and having to live with it. Haven't returned since.

These are not nearly all of my testimonies but simply a few that quickly come to mind. Thank you for joining me on this journey, The Royale Bloom journey of "blooming where you've been planted." Thank you for your support and allowing me to share creative and authentic work with you.

May you continue to be blessed. May you prosper and flourish. May you walk in healing, favor, understanding, and abundance. May you be the beacon of light that shines sooo bright and provokes others to good works. May you sow into good ground and reap bountiful harvests. May you continue to evolve on your journey, remain teachable, and embrace new experiences. May you continue to mature as an individual and love without limits.  

Love is the highest frequency, the highest level of understanding. God is Love. Love God, love self, and love people. Seek the true and living God for yourself. Seek and ye shall find... :)

Blessings and abundance always,

Signing out,
Royale 03.24.22


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