Dear Depression

Dear Depression,

I am writing to say that I no longer welcome you with open arms
I despise your existence; but I acknowledge the pain
How the hope I once felt has disappeared again
The joy and anticipation for greater has been replaced by sadness and sorrow because of you
The battles that I thought I'd won are considered lost because of you

Depression, I truly hate you
How dare you enter my life, change my mood, and affect my thoughts and behavior
You should be arrested and sentenced to prison for eternity
For breaking and entering, flooding my organs, and killing my spirit

Depression, you are no longer welcome in my life
Today, I sever the ties between us as you've done more harm than good
Your symptoms of anxiety, restlessness, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, unexplained feelings, and frustration can find the exit as well
In my home, they can no longer dwell 
Depression, I hate you and quite frankly you can kiss my a** then burn in hell

Note: The last few days have definitely been the hardest to conquer as suicidal thoughts and depression resurfaced. I do not take it lightly; but I personally have had enough of it from both spiritual and medical point of views. At this moment, I choose happiness, hopefulness, and writing therapy. I also choose to ask for help.

For serious help, please contact a doctor, mental health professional, close friend, and/or trusted spiritual leader. The following link offers additional resources and information regarding depression:  Depression . You are not alone. 

Check out the previous post: Suicide Knocks


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