Dear Beautiful 1:6


Dear Beautiful,

If you were to pass over tonight, would you be proud of what you're leaving behind? Did you create and/or build what you desired? Did you share your gifts or talents with the world, regardless of how big or small each were in terms of gifts and your circle? Did you love with all you had even if it ended in heartache? Did you leave behind wealth or a stream of knowledge for your kids and/or family to survive and grow on?  I guess the best question that I can ask is, did you live in and on purpose? If so, then you should be proud with no regrets. If not, there is still time available to be a better you, to create and build what you desire, to open your heart to love unconditionally, and to build and pass along wealth and knowledge to your kids and family.

Life is short. I've been around my share of elders in these last 27 years. There are many who've lived happy fulfilling lives and yet still many who've regretted certain decisions or the lack thereof. Live. Travel. Love. Count your blessings and be thankful. Continue to educate yourself. Listen. Watch YouTube videos and podcasts. Read. Invest. Volunteer. Write out your goals and thoughts. Step outside of your comfort zone. Do something. Say something. Build something. Live on purpose. 

In honor of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, I simply want to bring up the topic of death and suicide. My hope is that you are not considering suicide; however, if you are, you are not alone. Life is tough, with many twists and turns, ups and downs, setups and setbacks. I speak on behalf of myself. As someone who lives with anxiety and suffers from seasonal depression (SAD) and emotional trauma, there are many times that I contemplate ending it all, because it hurts and most people don't understand how I suffer when I'm silent. I snap back into reality, because I know and understand that even if I tried, it may not end the way I want it to. I could not bear the thought of living paralyzed or on life support because I decided for a moment to be selfish and hurt the ones I love and that love me. It's too much for a parent to bear as guilt, shame, hurt, and confusion overtake them. It's too much for a sibling, a friend, a spouse to bear. They would constantly question, what did I do wrong? Was this my fault? I should have done x,y,z. Did I not love them enough? The truth is, none of us asked to be birthed into the world, but we're here for a set time to accomplish purpose. You have purpose, even if you haven't figured it out yet. You deserve to live and be happy. Keep going. :) 

What helps me through these difficult times include:

- Writing Therapy (poetry, journaling, affirmations, planning & goal setting)

- Mental Health Therapy / Counseling

- Movie nights & cuddle time with friends

- Beach visits & travel

- Prayer & Meditation

- Serving, giving, and sharing what I have 

- Comedies

- Working out

- Dancing

- Podcasts on love & relationships, wealth & investments

- Testimonies of people who've been where I am, overcame, and living fulfilling lives - those who did not allow disabilities, trauma, nor circumstances to deter them but fuel them 

- Music (worship, jazz, dance/upbeat/positive - stay away from sad & depressing songs)

- Crying and letting the tears flow on my pillow, wiping my eyes, and proclaiming in the mirror, "You are more than enough. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are loved. Keep going beautiful. You got this!"

- Role-playing 

Mental health professionals and spiritual leaders are great resources. If you are in search of inexpensive and/or free counseling services, there are resources available in most cities if you simply ask. As we are in the midst of a pandemic, most if not all sessions will be held via phone or video.

For confidential support in a suicidal crisis or emotional distress, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255. They are available 24/7. 

Continue living and thriving. Cheers to the greater you!! I believe in you!. :)

Check out the previous post: Suicide Knocks


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